
Audio Modeling Courses


You bought Camelot or some SWAM instruments  – or maybe both – and now you want to discover how to get the most out of them.

Well, you have come to the right place.

On this page you will find information on all the instructional courses about these products that have been approved by Audio Modeling. Find the course that is the best fit for your needs and learn to master Audio Modeling instruments.

SWAM Violin

An introduction to writing for the violin (both IRL and VST)

SWAM Trumpets

An introduction to writing for the trumpet.

SWAM Instruments

This course shows you everything you need to know to make the SWAM instruments come alive. He even brings in live musicians who show you actual playing techniques you need to know to make the most of these amazing, plugin instruments.

SWAM Clarinets

A masterclass showing the full range of articulations for the clarinet and bass clarinet, and how to write for them with software instruments.

SWAM Viola

Modern Orchestration Masterclasses / Viola: acoustic articulations and how to reproduce them with music software. An introduction to writing for the viola.


Le cours est structuré de manière à vous fournir toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour avoir une connaissance complète du monde de l’audio et du MIDI.

An Introduction to MIDI via Camelot

This workshop aims to provide you with suitable skills to begin using hardware and software MIDI devices in the Camelot environment in the context of live performance and a home studio environment.


Il corso ti fornirà tutte le informazioni necessarie per poter avere un background completo sul mondo dell’Audio e del MIDI, con una particolare attenzione verso una gestione avanzata della Performance Live.

Live Performance With Camelot Pro

Il corso verrà presentato in due versioni, la versione Base, adatta a chi si affaccia per la prima volta al mondo dei software per la gestione digitale delle Live Performances musicali e la Versione Advanced dedicata a chi già conosce gli argomenti ma desidera imparare a gestire con padronanza una Digital Live Performance.