
Camelot Speaks Good Effects

Camelot Speaks Good Effects

Camelot Speaks Good Effects

Camelot Speaks Good Effects 1024 576 Audio Modeling

Some people are just good at languages. Anything they know how to say in one language they can figure out how to say in another. It’s like they have a little context switch in their heads.

Somehow, it often seems harder to do that with software. You know how to set up an effects loop in your guitar rig, but trying to do the same thing in a DAW seems challenging.

But sometimes it’s not as hard as you think it will be; you just need someone to give you the first clue and then the rest becomes easy. Which brings us to using Camelot for audio effects. (See how cleverly we got there?)

If you’ve ever worked in a DAW, or even in an old-school analog studio, you probably already encountered concepts like send effects versus insert effects, corrective versus creative processing, parallel processing, and lots of other ways to have audio fun with effects. All of those techniques can be implemented in Camelot, and even more, once you get the hang of things.

Wondering where to find that first clue? We’ll give you a hint: you don’t have to look at any Facebook ads to find it. No, indeed, you’ll find all the clues you want in our handy-dandy tutorial on Adding Audio FX. And now that we’re into the next paragraph, we can reveal that this tutorial includes all of the techniques mentioned in the previous paragraph, then goes on to talk about setting up separate house and monitor mix sends, each with their own effects, incorporating external hardware effects, submixing Layers with effects on the submixes – oh, such fun!

It’s all right here, so read up and party on:

Camelot Tutorial 7: Adding Audio Effects

We’re sure some of you are great at languages, too. Show of hands: who knows how to say “Party on!” in Italian? (Audio Modeling employees are excluded from replying, because, well, we’re an Italian company.)