


Revolutionizing Music with Audio Modeling™: Pioneering Expressive Acoustic Virtual Instruments

Revolutionizing Music with Audio Modeling™: Pioneering Expressive Acoustic Virtual Instruments 1000 750 Audio Modeling

In the realm of music, evolution is the constant companion of innovation. A melodic journey that transcends the boundaries of tradition and embraces the limitless potential of technology has given…

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The Journey of Audio Modeling™ and the SWAM Technology

The Journey of Audio Modeling™ and the SWAM Technology 1000 740 Audio Modeling

In the ever-evolving landscape where technology and artistry converge, there emerges a name that has redefined the realm of virtual instruments: Audio Modeling™. Founded in 2017 by the visionary duo…

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Remote Control

Hand Me That Remote Control, Camelot

Hand Me That Remote Control, Camelot 1024 576 Audio Modeling

When  you want to surf the selections offered by the streaming services you subscribe to, you sure don’t want to have to stop drinking your wine to do it. So…

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AM logo

A New Home for Audio Modeling: Celebrating the Inauguration of Our New Headquarters

A New Home for Audio Modeling: Celebrating the Inauguration of Our New Headquarters 1024 576 Audio Modeling

Like a growing family that needs a larger space to fully embrace life, Audio Modeling has reached a crucial moment in our journey. We have bid farewell to our humble…

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Camelot 2.1 Supercharges MIDI Processing

Camelot Doesn’t Need Merlin to Perform MIDI Magic

Camelot Doesn’t Need Merlin to Perform MIDI Magic 1024 576 Audio Modeling

When magic was needed in the Camelot of myth and legend, everybody turned to Merlin. But this is the 21st century, when musicians speak not of Merlin, but of MIDI,…

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