
Breaking Down Barriers: Music, Accessibility, and Inclusion

Breaking Down Barriers

Breaking Down Barriers: Music, Accessibility, and Inclusion

Breaking Down Barriers: Music, Accessibility, and Inclusion 1024 576 Audio Modeling

In a groundbreaking collaboration, the Laboratory of Musical Informatics (LIM) at the University of Milan, “Musica Senza Confini,” and the Italian company Audio Modeling are joining forces to make music an inclusive and barrier-free experience for all, regardless of physical and cognitive abilities. This early-stage partnership marks a bold step towards a future where music truly knows no bounds.

In the video, Sara Pavan performs alongside Paolo Kessisoglu, Lunita Kessisoglu, and Federico Malaman. What makes this performance extraordinary is how Sara, using only an eye tracker and activating sensors, actively participates in the song’s execution alongside other artists. This demonstration not only highlights her musical ability but also serves as tangible evidence of the commitment of Manuele Maestri from “Musica Senza Confini.” Thanks to Manuele’s innovative method and the prototype developed by Audio Modeling and LIM, music becomes a language accessible to everyone, including those living with physical and cognitive disabilities.

The joint project of Audio Modeling, LIM, and “Musica Senza Confini” aims to break down further barriers, leveraging the experience of university research, the music software industry, and the cutting edge of artificial intelligence and other advanced technologies. The goal is to develop innovative software that makes music a universally accessible language.

However, to advance this ambitious initiative, funds and support are needed. We are seeking public and private partners who share our vision and wish to contribute to building a more inclusive musical future.

For more information and to support this cause, please contact us at the email address: info@audiomodeling.com.

Join us and “Musica Senza Confini” in shaping a world where music is truly limitless and accessible to all.